Norman Tait
By Alex Dawkins
Posted in News, on June 08, 2016
Within every generation, few artists emerge who were as prolific, multi-talented, and influential as Nisga’a carver and jeweler Norman Tait. Norman passed away on May 21st, 2016. Norman was the son of acclaimed carver Josiah Tait, and was the brother of Chief Alver Tait, who is also a celebrated Nisga'a carver. In 1973, he established himself as a wood carver with the production and raising of the first Nisga'a pole in over fifty years, which he carved with his father. In 2012, Norman was given the British Columbia Creative Lifetime Achievement Award in Aboriginal Art. In addition to being a carver in metals and woods, Norman was also an expert on Nisga'a art and culture. From the mid-1970s, Norman travelled throughout BC and around the world in order to research Nisga'a art and history.