Frank Nelson
February 24th, 1945 (d. 2014)
Gilford Island, BC
Frank Nelson was a member of the Musgamakw Dzawada’enuxw (Four Tribes of Kingcome Inlet). In 1974, Frank began carving while training with his cousin, Chief Tony Hunt. He then learned from accomplished artists such as Master Carver Henry Hunt, Ross Hunt, Calvin Hunt, George Hunt Jr., Oscar Matilpi and John Livingston. Frank assumed his father’s position as a hereditary chief in June 1983 and was given the name Yeakwid. Frank was very involved in his culture and worked tirelessly to keep the culture alive and ingrained in the youth. Tribal Journeys was one of Chief Nelson’s passions and one of his greatest legacies. Frank was a dancer, accomplished craftsman, inspired composer, and a lead singer at potlatches. One of his most popular CDs, a compilation of songs for Tribal Journeys, is “In the Spirit of Our Ancestors” Yekawid Chief Frank Nelson.